Lindisfarne Scriptorium Image Resources are collections of inspirational content. They include detailed clipart images taken from the artwork of
Originally available as Microsoft Windows applications we are pleased to now provide a web based version of our image selection software so that all users of Internet devices can access the content.
If you're new to the whole idea of Lindisfarne Scriptorium Image Resources then here's what you need to do to get access.
The whole of the collection of resources are split into Content Libraries and once you have registered by clicking below you can use the Web Selection Application to see what content is available. There is also a selection of free images for you to experiment with. Once you have decided on a Content Library that you wish to purchase you can buy it online through this site or purchase a license through our main Lindisfarne Scriptorium website.
If you had created an account on www.lspcr.com to allow you to download the PCRIS software then your login details have been moved to this site. Try logging in here.
If you didn't have an account then click below to Register a new account and then follow the instructions to enter your exisiting content license codes to activate your Content Subscriptions for the Web Selection Application.
If you used the early versions of PC Resources Volumes 1 + 2 then your content license codes will work with the Web Selection Application on this site.
You need to click below to Register a new account and then follow the instructions to enter your Content Subscriptions for the Web Selection Application.